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Aquatic Therapy

Find a Clinic that Specialize in Aquatic Therapy

At Mountain Land, we understand that everyone follows a different path on their road to recovery. If you experience pain or discomfort during traditional therapy, Aquatic Therapy may be for you. Aquatic Therapy is an excellent way to build strength and mobility while relaxing and having fun! Aquatic Therapy is ideal for patients with injuries that make full weight bearing difficult while also providing an appropriate level of resistance to help build strength.

Our expert aquatic therapists will work with you to understand safe movements and to determine what aquatic exercises will work best for your recovery. Our goal is to educate and empower you so that you can progress towards your recovery goals just as you would in traditional physical therapy. Aquatic Therapy is a great way to achieve greater balance, strength and independence so that you can get back to doing the things you love!


Who is Aquatic Therapy For?

Aquatic Therapy can be helpful for anyone who has limited mobility, difficulty bearing weight or experiences excessive pain or discomfort during traditional therapy. Aquatic Therapy can be used to treat orthopedic injuries, auto injuries, arthritis, headaches, neck pain, back pain, chronic pain and many other conditions that cause pain or discomfort.

While aquatic therapy is often considered a back-up option to traditional physical therapy, it should be considered as a starting point for many patients, especially older patients and those with reduced mobility. Patients who have recently completed complicated surgery or who have experienced sports or work injuries can also find great benefits in aquatic therapy. In fact, many athletes will train in a pool to build strength and reduce the chance of injury.


Benefits of Aquatic Therapy

There are many tangible and intangible benefits that come as a result of Aquatic Therapy, including:

  • Improved strength, balance and mobility without causing injury
  • More relaxed environment and less stress on joints
  • Improved activities of daily living
  • Greater confidence as patients can often see quicker results in the water
  • Psychological benefit of accomplishing goals more quickly

Frequently Asked Questions
About Aquatic Therapy

What are the benefits of exercising in the water? 

There are three reasons that exercise in the water is an excellent choice for therapy. First, you will feel lighter while in the water and this makes movement and exercise easier. This is especially important if you have pain and difficulty with weight bearing activities, such as walking and moving around. Second, the pressure from the water on your body will have a soothing effect for painful conditions. Third, water is denser than air which will provide a natural resistance as you move. These three features combined will allow you to do more exercise with less pain, and this will translate to better results from therapy.

Is the water warm? 

Yes. The water is heated to temperatures in the mid-80’s. In water any warmer than this the body struggles to stay cool while exercising.

Do I have to walk down steps to get in and out of the pool?

No. Our pool is equipped with a ramp and handrails for entering and exiting the pool. A wheelchair is also available for use if extra assistance is needed.

Will I have to swim and put my head underwater? 

Most of our pool exercises keep your head above water. You will only swim if it is appropriate for you and you are comfortable doing so.

I don’t really want people to see me in a bathing suit, so what do I wear? 

We must abide by the pool rules, which do require a bathing suit. However, you do have the option to wear other clothing over your suit, such as a polyester shirt (cotton shirts or shorts are not recommended as they tend to clog the pool’s filtering system). For safety, comfort, and hygiene, wearing aqua/water shoes in the pool and shower areas is recommended.

What else should I bring? 

Please bring a towel and other toiletries you will need. We have private, wheelchair accessible showers and locker rooms.

How long does an aquatic therapy session last?

Sessions last anywhere from 15 – 60 minutes depending on your tolerance level.

How many days a week will I be treated and for what period of time?

Therapy sessions occur 1-3 times per week for 1-6 weeks or longer depending on your condition. Many of our pool locations allow you to easily transition to an independent aquatic program after your formal physical therapy is complete.

What kind of exercises will I be doing?

Exercises range from walking in the water to patterned arm and leg movements using the water as resistance. We have multiple aquatic exercise tools that can be used to enhance the work in the water. Your therapist will select the type, variety, and complexity of the exercises based on your condition.

What conditions would keep me from being able to receive Aquatic Therapy? 

If you have any open wounds or infections, you will not be permitted in the pool. It is also important that you have bowel and bladder control.

Does insurance pay for Aquatic Therapy?

Aquatic therapy is recognized as a standard physical therapy modality by all insurances. If you have physical therapy benefits with your insurance plan then aquatic therapy is most likely a covered service. We encourage you to contact your health insurance provider to learn more about your physical therapy benefits.


To supplement our other Aquatic Therapy programs, Mountain Land Physical Therapy has partnered with Hydroworx to bring one of their state of the art underwater treadmill units to our Bountiful clinic. Their unit allows for specialized therapy and diagnostics that are difficult in a regular pool. Learn more about Hydroworx.

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