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pain from whiplash?
we can help!

Physical therapy is an effective treatment option for whiplash. By targeting the damaged soft tissues of the neck, our therapists work on restoring function and movement as well as reducing pain. Meet with one of our therapists to begin your road to recovery!

Spinal Cord Representing Whiplash

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Common Symptoms of Whiplash

Person in Car Accident with Whiplash

Common Causes of Whiplash

Auto Accidents

Personal Injuries

Sports Injuries

Physical Therapist Treating Whiplash

4 Ways We Help You Recover

The Next 3 Steps For You to Take

Step 1

Fill out the contact form above. 

Step 2

Talk with a Mountain Land Personal Injury Specialist to schedule a Physical Therapy Appointment near your home or work.

Step 3

Meet with a Mountain Land Physical Therapist to begin your road to recovery. 
