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Industrial Therapy

Find a Clinic that Specialize in Industrial Therapy

Mountain Land Industrial Therapy provides innovative cost-saving solutions for employers, bringing pre-employment, injury prevention, post-injury therapy, and wellness services directly to the worksite. Employers face an ongoing challenge in controlling the costs, liability, and loss of production associated with workplace injuries. Mountain Land Industrial Therapy offers a comprehensive solution that facilitates injury prevention and maintains a healthy workplace while providing a significant return on investment.

Our physical therapists are dedicated to excellence in work injury prevention, case management, employee wellness, and onsite injury management. They possess many years of experience, advanced post-graduate degrees, certifications, and the latest evidence-based research to provide the best care possible for your employees!


Who is Industrial Therapy For?

We work directly with Worker’s Compensation and General Health Claims managers to analyze injury/illness trends within organizations, reducing overall healthcare spending. We also manage individual episodic care from start to finish, reducing down-line spending after an injury has occurred.


Benefits of Industrial Therapy

  • Reduce overall cost of care
  • Reduce unnecessary diagnostic testing/injections
  • Prevent recurrence of injury

Wellness Services

Wellness services are no longer just defined as the absence of disease or illness in the body or mind. At Mountain Land Industrial Therapy, we provide fitness and diet/nutrition counseling to reduce the proven costs of obesity. Our wellness services also include education on stress reduction and postural awareness, as well as health risk assessments, discomfort surveys, and stretching programs for employees.

Additionally, we offer a corporate wellness and health program called Run For Health. Run For Health is an ongoing and innovative wellness program based on running. Our goal is to get and keep your employees healthy through safe training, injury prevention, and nutrition advice/coaching.


Overall, Industrial Therapy offers a comprehensive and cost-effective solution for employers looking to reduce the costs, liability, and loss of production associated with workplace injuries. By investing in injury prevention and wellness programs, employers can create a safer and healthier workplace for their employees while also improving their bottom line.

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