Steven C. Bennett, PT, MSPT
Clinic Director, Physical Therapist
Steven is from Houston, Texas and has practiced physical therapy since 1997. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science from Brigham Young University in 1994, and a master’s degree in Physical Therapy from University of Alabama Birmingham in 1997.
Steven specializes in neurological rehabilitation, specifically in stroke, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy rehabilitation. He has received advanced training in Electromyography (EMG) from the Houston Rehabilitation Institute. Before joining the Mountain Land team, Steve was the director of the Southwest Neurological Center for nine years where he specialized in treating neurological patients from across the Western United States using his sophisticated EMG training.
Steve is now the director of the NeuroHops program which utilizes sophisticated EMG protocols to improve vertical leap and explosiveness in athletes who come from many locations to train with him. Mountain Land is now one of the few centers in the country able to offer this specialized training. Steve is also highly trained in treating all sports injuries including running injuries and plantar fasciitis and is an expert in running video analysis. He trains athletes using blood flow restriction to improve their performance by increasing their V02 max. Steve is highly trained in occupational medicine and does post offer job testing and functional capacity evaluations.
Steven was inspired to become a physical therapist because he wanted to help people who were paralyzed learn to walk and move again. Steven enjoys coaching, playing all sports and writing; he writes novels and children’s books. He has even written a book, Been There Done That: A step-by-step cure for Plantar Fasciitis.